威尼斯(欢乐)娱人v675(国际)官网-Venetian Platform

Pollution Source Diffusion Monitoring and Simulation

Programme overview

The research on the diffusion of radioactive pollutants and the corresponding early warning mechanism is a difficult problem in the world. The nuclear power plants under operation and construction in China are located in coastal areas, and the meteorological and topographic conditions are complex, which brings great challenges to the early warning of nuclear proliferation.
The main meteorological conditions affecting pollutant diffusion are atmospheric stability and three-dimensional wind field. The conventional weather stations and numerical prediction can not accurately realize the monitoring and simulation of small-scale wind field. The emergence of laser remote sensing equipment provides a new direction for solving this problem.

Features of the scheme

Combined with advanced diffusion models such as LPDM, high-precision terrain data and remote sensing lidar monitoring data, pollution source diffusion simulation can be carried out, and such information as pollution height, diffusion time and leakage intensity can be freely selected.
Applicable scenarios: chemical leakage, forest fire, nuclear pollution diffusion, major pollution explosion accidents, etc.

Application cases