威尼斯(欢乐)娱人v675(国际)官网-Venetian Platform

Particulate Matter Flux Lidar

Product Description

The Wind Flux 3000 is an integrated measurement system developed for the measurement needs of atmospheric particulate matter flux. Simultaneously equipped with coherent wind measurement function and micro pulse direct detection function, it can obtain real-time and accurate information such as atmospheric wind profile, extinction coefficient, depolarization ratio, particle classification, boundary layer height, cloud base height, etc.

The system monitors the direction of particulate matter transport in real-time, calculates the flux and intensity of particulate matter transport, and obtains the sources and impacts of particulate matter pollution in different regions and heights, providing effective support for pollutant tracing and pollution prevention.

The overall protection level is IP66. Combined with automatic wipers and internal temperature control systems, long-term field observations can be carried out without anyone on duty.

Functional features and advantages

Fine observation: ultra-low blind zone and high spatiotemporal resolution

Multi platform strong adaptability: engineering and modular design. The system can be integrated into the vehicle to achieve continuous navigation observation and stable and reliable operation.

Multiple application scenarios: suitable for detecting atmospheric pollutants in cities and regions, solving the problem of quantitative transmission of pollutants within the atmospheric boundary layer.

Data product combined with GIS display: real-time display of navigation data combined with GIS system.

Diverse data products: It can continuously observe the atmospheric wind field in the boundary layer, obtain wind field, extinction coefficient, particle mass concentration and aerosol depolarization ratio, as well as the spatial distribution of particles on the vehicle's movement path, and obtain parameter information such as transmission flux and transmission intensity.

Daily warning and forecasting: Real-time data observation, enables daily warning and forecasting of strong pollution processes and strong convection processes.

Technical specifications

Classic cases